Charming Red Baby Breath Bouquet
RM198.00 -
Cheerful Box
RM158.00 -
Choco Melt
RM176.40 -
Chocolate Blooms
RM188.00 -
Chocolate Delight
RM238.00 -
Chocolate Graduation Bouquet 2
RM338.40 -
Classic Red with Fererro Box
RM288.00 -
Classic Simple Bouquet
RM158.00 -
Couple Bear Chocolate Box
RM228.00 -
Cutie Ferrero with Hot Air Balloon
RM212.40 -
Dearly Hot Air Balloon
RM188.00 -
Deep Blue Chocolate Bouquet
Send flowers to KL with same day delivery. Send flowers and get the perfect bouquet for any occasion with a wide range of products, easy online order process.